Strength giving necklace

Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Strength giving necklace
Necklace designed with:azurite, hematine, amethyst, clear quartz and sodalite semi-precious stones

The Chinese lucky coins: Are considered to be a symbol of wealth and fortune, and when wearing them according to the Feng Shui principles, it is believed that the owner will enjoy prosperity.
Next time you have an endless to-do list, a tight deadline, or simply a project that you're having trouble concentrating on, skip the coffee and reach for your Azurite Necklace. This stone helps you find your focus by clearing your mind of any internal or external distraction. Free of distraction, you can dedicate your full mental power toward the task at hand.The Azurite stone properties work with your third eye to help you tap into your inner wisdom and knowing. By using your intuitive powers, you can find new ways to master your own mind. Let your intuition guide you toward the realization that you have the power to shift your focus. Remove external distractions from your peripheral vision and stay laser focused on what you really need to do.

When you find yourself connecting with an Azurite tumbled stone, you may be in search of a little help staying focused. Invite in the energy of this stone to help you concentrate and maintain control over where your mind goes throughout the day.