See The Truth Necklace

See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
See The Truth Necklace
42 Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 35
Necklace designed with: obsidian, aventurine, carnelian semi-precious stones

OBSIDIAN: Makes our goals lively, in all levels stimulates our growth, it opens up new possibilities. Obsidian brings light into our awareness, it makes it clear what is lying behind our mental issues, mental tiredness.
Detoxicates, softens arthralgia, warms limbs.

CERNALION: It is a perfect stone for building up your motivation again! It is full of life! Stimulates your digestive system, and increases fertility. It helps in curing back problems.

AVENTURINE: Keeps your blood pressure in balance, stimulates the digestive system, reduces the level of cholesterol and helps in avoiding heart attacks. It is a very positive stone, helps you in your everyday life.