Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set

Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
Turquoise Bracelet 3 in 1 set
70 Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 52
Elegant crystal bracelet with unique lacing from turquoise.

Mantra: I live a full life, I am well!

How can the minerals in this bracelet help you?

TURQUOISE: Is a Master Healer that brings powerful healing energies to your mind, body and spirit.
It got its name from Turkey because it was discovered there first. It became famous as the amulet of the Crusaders, but was protected in many cultures against damaging curse and destruction. One of our most powerful healing crystals, it regenerates tissues, strengthens the immune system, and supports the absorption of nutrients. It encourages us to always say what we think and realizes that we are the responsible for our destiny. It helps to cure throat problems, larynx, thyroid and improves communication. Protects against viral diseases, reduces arthritis, neutralizes over acidity, relieves rheumatism and stomach problems. Stimulates muscle development, enhances brain function and enhances creativity. It has an analgesic, detoxifying effect and protects the whole body. It helps to get out of panic disorder also. Stimulate to the unit!