Attract Wealth Bracelet

Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
Attract Wealth Bracelet
28 Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 17

String bracelet with Citrine crystals.

Mantra: I attract new opportunities in my life!

CITRINE: It gives you warmth and energy, protects your surrounding from negative energies.
It belongs to the group of stones, which attract wealth; it also attracts success into our lives.
It is great against depression, fears and phobias. It is a great cure against tiredness. Strengthens the nerves, balances the hormones.

Citrine brings sunshine into your life. Its radiant energy cultivates positivity, growth and abundance. It is one of the only crystals that does not store any negativity. Working with it infuses your soul with happiness and light to open you up to the new opportunities and positive possibilities that already surround you.