KOCHI Best friend bracelet

KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
KOCHI Best friend bracelet
21 Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 14
Pink twine bracelet, watermelon tourmaline with colorful minerals.

TURMALIN: one of our most powerful healing crystals,. It was probably known to our ancestors in ancient times, but because of its diversity, it was only around the 17th century that it could definitively distinguish it from other crystals. Primarily a stone of self-fulfillment. It helps to give back to us if we move away from the right path and create inner peace. It clears and relieves fear, increases self-confidence, balances the left and right cerebellum, and has a beneficial effect on paranoia and dyslexia. It balances the energies of yin and yang, relieves tension and has a beneficial effect on the spinal column. Heartbroken stone helps to live with love and not fear.
It has traditionally been used to point out who or what is causing problems in difficult times and to indicate the right direction to go.
Protects against electromagnetic radiation, including cell phones and computers.

It is a super-activator of the heart chakra, nourishes love, tenderness and friendship.

It can be shortened by knotting.