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KOCHI - The harmony bracelet
KOCHI - The harmony bracelet

KOCHI - The harmony bracelet

This amazing bracelet is made of dalmatian jasper.

Mantra: I am happy and joyful!

Dalmatian Jasper: Creates Childlike Joy & Enjoyment In Life!

It brings an energy of childlike joy and a sense of playfulness into your life.

It aids you to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself, which allows you to move forward in life.

It helps you to and discover your true purpose for being here.


You may choose your bracelet with a black Obsidian charm or a pink charm.


More than five thousand years old, traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda medicine is still using the crystals today in their treatments.
• Colored stones have magical powers attributed to prehistoric man, ancient Egyptians used them as amulets, and the Romans wore them as bracelet.
• From the16th century, crystals have played a very important role in healing. Paracelsus, in his book has dealt with not only the healing features of the stones but also the structures of the crystals.
• In today's medical science recognizes a variety of minerals and trace elements essential for our body. Besides, just think of the still mineral waters, or spas.
• Crystals have a number of physically verifiable properties. For these special, particular physical appearance, we can thank: the laser and radar, we can meet them in the radio, computer, etc..
• Crystals take, and give energy, they store and transform energies. They balance and harmonize the energy; able to tune in to other sources, can be used as a communication tool.
• Modern scholars agree that the physical objects are made up of energy, and the crystals are very high level of energy units. On the level of quantum, crystals as a conscious being are always on the move: The vibrations of the universe dance. Following the laws of nature forms its pattern and structure.
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