Kabbalah Bracelet

Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
Kabbalah Bracelet
21 Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 14

The KOCHI Kabbalah bracelet is made of red jade with Jade mineral and the symbol of the sun!

Kabbalah protection
According to the teachings, red yarn serves a dual purpose: to protect it from envious gazes and from the evil eye.

Mantra: I'm safe!

How can the crystal in this bracelet help me?

JADE: Already used by our ancestors. In the Far East, it was worn as a lucky amulet, but its beneficial effects on the kidneys were already well known. It has a detoxifying effect, stimulates adrenal function, cell regeneration, accelerates wound healing. Jade soothes the soul, balances the flow of energy, strengthens the nervous system, and drives out malaise. It provides protection for its owner against harmful intentions and thoughts. It attracts luck, a symbol of purity and serenity. Its beneficial effects include placing it under the pillow to ensure a restful deep sleep. It enhances fertility and can be worn during or after pregnancy.


Throughout our history, the symbol of the sun has been found in every culture. Most people attribute cosmic power to it, not surprisingly, it is featured in countless works of art and writings. It symbolizes consciousness, intellect, and universal intelligence. The symbol of the sun symbolizes wholeness, enlightenment.
The tiny round pendant on KÓCHI jewelry symbolizes the sun, thus giving strength to everyday life.